So after deciding not to return to Tim Hortons daily, I still needed to get out for daily exercise. I took a look at the map of my new neighbourhood and saw that Summit Park was not too far away, just straight up the street as it makes it’s way to the top. Nice big park there with lots of Garry Oaks, rocky outcrops, and flowering meadows. First when I approached the park, I saw several people standing just inside the gate, and at first, it looked like someone was protesting the park being open, looking at the way they were standing facing me. WTF. I am not up for a confrontation right now. I will seriously throw a punch. The closer I get, I start to slow down, trying to sort out wtf is going on just inside the gate to the park. The only way in is where these people are standing unless I wanted to go to another entrance a few blocks away. Finally they recognize that I am not at all comfortable with walking any closer until the get off the damn path. I mean, how can someone social distance if you are blocking the entrance? Why are you even there? They move off the path and onto the grass. When I get up close I see that they are a group of seniors, one in a wheelchair, a few with a cane, and they are all visiting. I feel less upset because it is not a protest but just a group, however I am irritated that they did not seem to think blocking an entrance was a bad idea, I don’t care how old you are. Social distancing has been imprinted on everyone in the country so it is not a matter of I had no idea I shouldn’t do this. Whatever, I was in a cranky ass mood because I didn’t get the job I was interviewed for. I said nothing to these people.
Off I walked into the park, noting that there were a number of
groups in the park, all in small isolated areas so I went in search of one for me. I had packed a picnic and a book, my speaker and a blanket to chill out in the park for awhile. It was divine. I sat on the blanket in a secluded area of the park and tried my best to push out the negative thoughts that crowded my head.
I saw many beautiful flowers along the way...enjoy!
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