When I went into the hospital last Monday, things were just starting to unravel around the world and tighten up around town. I watched from the hospital tower, 8th floors up as things slowed to a trickle on the streets below. Today I was discharged and sent out into this new world of social distancing. Schools are closed of all types, all indoor dining areas are closed, all pubs and nightclubs are closed, playgrounds are closed, and so on.
My daughter came to pick me up. That took some coordination in this new world. She was to bring me a change of clothes to leave the hospital in as my only clothes were dirty, having been worn for 36 hours of sweaty pain and fear...however I was several floors up, through two elevators, and there are no volunteers to do things like that anymore - most have been sent home. My girl was nervous about even going into the hospital so I had a health care aide wheel me down to the discharge waiting room, and I ran out to the car and grabbed my clothes (in my hospital gown and robe) and ran back into the bathroom to change into normal clothes and get the frig out of there. I ditched the gown and robe to a guy in the lobby, and out the door I went. Free!
Our first stop was to go to the RV. I had to check my stock of everything to be sure I didn’t forget anything. List complete and explained in as much detail as possible to assist my brave daughter in her endeavours, we gloved up and I put a mask on, and headed to our first stops. She went off to Thrifty’s and I went off to Canadian Tire. They are next door so we knew would could find each other. Rules are, only one family member at a time in the grocery store. It was the bulk of the shopping so my girl knew it was her job as healthy young person to do this bit for her ma. We both had outside line-ups to stand in. Everyone was spaced 6 feet or more apart, and the lines moved quite rapidly. As each person came out the door, another was permitted in. Staff was directing the whole entire thing outside and people were listening, readily. This was the same at both stores.
Once I was inside Canadian Tire, I noticed a big line at the Customer Service Desk, at least 8 people lined up for service there. I moved into the store area and it was sparse but not empty. I walked directly to the paint section and got 8 cans of spray for my rocks and turned around and headed straight for the door. I passed a couple of things along the way and grabbed at them, knocking one of my cans on the floor, scattering the lid off. Fuck. I have my arms full and should have gotten a cart, and didn’t. Now I have my arms full, not sure I can bend over and retrieve the can and the lid when all of a sudden, a woman appeared from around the corner and picked both up, put it back together and handed it over to me. I was in gloves and mask, she was bare. Hmm.
Off I went to the checkout and self-checkout was always my choice, so fine with me. No outside bags are permitted so paper was provided for free. As I am checking myself out, the guy at the checkout next to me starts coughing...I froze and did a full on Chuckie head twist to the left and started - he had a mask and gloves on. Okey dokey. Back to what I am doing, throwing my shit in the bag and rushing the hell out of there. I went back to where my daughter was at the front of the line for Thriftys, checked in with her and went to sit in the car to wait. I opened both doors, partly as I wanted the fresh air, but also no one could park next to us if I left the doors open. I sat there for a bit while my daughter called me a number of times to confirm shopping items. Before long she was out with my items and we took off our gloves. Her policy is gloves off in the car, and use a new pair for the next outing. Clean zone is the car.
The next stop needed to be the drugstore where my new scripts were meant to be waiting. They had been faxed over before I was even discharged, hours ago. I phoned them the day before to ensure any others were filled, as the insulin was faxed yesterday. We parked over by the drugstore and my brave daughter ventured in. She said it was very busy and the pharmacist was rude. Nothing was ready other than the insulin. Come back later. No worries, I hear ya, shit is busy right now.
We then went in search of food and I had seen Facebook posts from Jones BBQ all week about how they are managing the newest restrictions now that all dining rooms are closed. They offer take out and delivery so we went off to Jones BBQ. I got out only briefly to look in at the menu to be sure they had what I was after. My girl went in and ordered then came back out again. Gloves were to be worn when using their debit machine. All food was packaged up and bagged on top of that. We didn’t have to wait long for our food and we were off back to the RV to dig in. Finally, food I can taste without wanting to vomit. I did not overdo it. I bought only brisket and had it with some bread when I got home. OMFG it was delicious!!! Real food again.
My daughter then went back to the drugstore to pick up my stuff and it was all ready, but they were confusing her about what type of syringes I needed - wait a minute, I am using a pen style, why do I need syringes??? then she is being told to register for a sugar test meter right there on the spot. Oh for fuck sake. Why can’t they just give her the damn drugs and move the hell on. I had already called and talked to the pharmacist last night about it, gave them her name, that I had been to the diabetic clinic so had the supplies, just needed the insulin. Clearly this was not even registered. So now I have a third meter. I got one at the Diabetes clinic last year. Then they gave me one this week in the hospital and now I have yet another one. WTF. I only need one. So I am going to see what I can do about that tomorrow. In any event, she was able to get all my scripts and get home. I go through the meds - they gave me two types of diabetic meds - the new insulin and the old meds that made me sick...why the hell did my doctor order both? Sigh...so now I have yet another issue to deal with tomorrow. As well, I don’t have enough lancets or pen needles. He didn’t put any in for me. So I need to call the doctor, the pharmacist, and the diabetic clinic. I am already confused. Ugh...
We hung out at the RV for a bit but before long my girl was antsy to get back on the ferry headed home. I can’t blame her. Go my girl, get back to safety. I will follow in a couple of days. I have some shit to sort out first.
There was a lot more people out today at the mall than I had expected and some were only picking up a couple of things. I am hoping I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow and can resolve it all over the phone with delivery of items I need. I want to spend the day resting a bit, and being sure I have what I need to head for safety on Tuesday. For now, I am going to wrap it up here and crawl into my own bed. Nash, get your ass over here, Jude needs a cuddle.
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