I spent a much of the fall parked in the city parking lot
with regular trips to Salt Spring to visit my daughter on the farm. The hens have all settled in well and the collection grows. These are the grownup girls here. 

I spent Christmas with my daughter on the farm, however it was a trying time for all as a huge storm had swept through, knocked down hundreds of trees, and took out the power, which also took the water as they have an electric pump. Next year we look forward to a lovely Christmas in their tiny house of their own, and we are all off the grid together.
I spent Christmas with my daughter on the farm, however it was a trying time for all as a huge storm had swept through, knocked down hundreds of trees, and took out the power, which also took the water as they have an electric pump. Next year we look forward to a lovely Christmas in their tiny house of their own, and we are all off the grid together.
I grew tired of the parking lot, and the creeps that hung out nearby, one who started recording the pizza guy delivering....so I began looking for a new place to call home. A very good friend and her husband offered up their driveway, with water, laundry, shower, wif, hot tub and level parking. Yahoo! We worked out the details and I moved over here in early January. I had housesat for then a number of times in the past, so I knew their place and it’s right on a main bus route, just a block from the mall, and Tim Hortons.
Nash seems to like it well enough. He gets lots of morning sun on the left side of the RV, and there are a few cats in the neighbourhood he watches through the windows. My friend’s kids come out sometimes to visit, and Nash tolerates them for so long before heading for higher ground. I built him a new permanent shelf over the inverter a couple weeks ago and sewed up a cute blanket pad with licence plates all over it. He loves it. 

We visited the Esquimalt Lagoon several times as it is one of our favourite places to park for the day. We watched the many boats out sailing this day, as I think it was the sailing club
In November nt friends and I went to see Fleetwood Mac in Tacoma, Washington. It was likely the last chance to see them live. They also fired Lindsay Buckingham and hired Mike Campbell formerly of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Mike is a brilliant guitarist and I loved seeing him.
I spent most of the winter knitting up squares for a blanket. My left hand was displeased and so a break from it is in order. I’ll finish it another time.
I am still off work but it looks like we are going to start planning my return in the coming weeks after an assessment. I think I am ready to be working at something. While it will definitely not be my old job, I have no idea where I will end up just yet, but I look forward to the future and what it may hold for me. My writing has been on a break these past months, but I hope to return to more regular posting and documenting my adventures. In the meantime, I am taking it one day at a time.
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