Squirrel on the farm road |
I spent Thanksgiving weekend on Salt Spring Island looking after the
animals while my daughter and her partner went for a much-needed weekend away
from the farm. Grandma was on duty. There were 70+ chickens, 4 goats, 2 cats
and one dog, plus my own cat. No running water or electricity other than what
was in my own RV.
Thankfully the weather was quite good, and I had a great time with
animals. I walked the goats, collected eggs, taking them to the farm stand
while walking the dog. I hung out with everyone at least 4-5 times per
There are 52 Ritas - those are the chickens that live in the school bus.
There are 50 hens and 2 roosters, Pongo and Big Red. The hens are simply all
called Rita since they are all the same or similar breed and they are not
naming 50 chickens.
Then there is the heritage flock that lives in the purple coop aka The
Purple Palace. Soleil is the top rooster there, and he has Kingu at his side.
They each have a flock of hens that keep close to their side and who they look
after when there are any dangers nearby. The hens groom their roosters often as
a sign of affection, and weirdly enough, the roosters were grooming each other
which is quite odd.
It is always interesting sitting and watching the chickens as their
behaviours are often obvious and predictable. There is a pecking order that is
quite apparent after watching the flock. I have also been doing some reading -
How to Speak Chicken by Melissa Caughey. Hilariously informative. They all
enjoy dust bathing and with the free-range flock, they have carved out several
places among the tree roots of the forest. Some of them were also going through
quite a hard-core molt and Rowan was nearly naked. I picked her out of the next
one night to put her on the roost and it was the weirdest feeling to pick up a
live featherless chicken with pinfeathers or nothing at all on her body.
I also had fun with the goats. I had 3 of the 4 out of the goat pen on a
lead and we went for a walk around the farm, stopping for some munching of the
many greens found on the farm and that they have cleared the goat pen of. At
least now it rains often, and the greens grow back in their pen quite quickly.
The goats all love treats and shove one another out of the way to get them. I
usually bring them cheerios, raisins, banana chips and whatever else I can
find. They love maple leaves the best and eat the fallen crispy ones like
chips. They are quite affectionate and love to get in your space. Their little
faces are so darn cute!
A day in the life - I got up when the sun came up, about 6:30-7am and
usually started on the farm chores by 7:15-7:30am. First was to open the
trailer door and see if anyone needs to go in or out – dog or cats. Then I grab
the wagon from next the goat pen and head down to the tent to get hay for the goats.
The big outfitters tent has become storehouse/barn/tool shed/clothes closet.
The hay is along one side. I peel off two flakes for the four goats and start
up the hill, stopping at the purple coop, aka The Purple Palace. I must pull up
the little chicken door and hook it open for the day and often the first one
out is Soleil, thankfully as otherwise he stays in the little coop yelling his
head off. I then must take the feeders out of the coop and put them back out in
the pen for them. As I am doing this, each of the chickens make their way out
through the little door and into the open pen. They are free ranging these
days, which may sound great for the chickens, but they have taken to laying
mostly in the woods, away from human eyes and reach, so as pretty as their multicolored
eggs are, we never see them anymore until they are too old to use for anything
as they move the nest as soon as you find the pile of 20 or more eggs. I think
they should be held in the pen until they lay their eggs for the day, however
they are not my chickens and my daughter wants them to free range…so eggs in
the forest it is for now. Occasionally there is an egg in the coop nest boxes. Once
the feeders are out and topped up, I check the waterers, and look around the
coop for any eggs or other issues. Sometimes one will fall out of the nest (or
get pushed out) or someone will lay on the floor. Must keep those cleaned up swiftly
to keep down on rats and such.
From the purple coop I move on to the goat pen next as the goats know
the sound of the wagon and hear me talking to the chickens and have begun to
clatter against the walls and door of their shed. I head into the pen, towing
the hay filled wagon behind me, and a pocket full of alfalfa pellets for the
older girls. There are four goats, two girls born last year, Lily and Agnes and
two girls born this year (Scarlet and Temple) from the same mothers. This fall,
the last year girls will be meeting with a ram for a few days, with hopes of kids
in the spring, and repeat in the fall with all four girls. Newborn goats are
absolutely the cutest thing. I have visited another goat farm in the past and
held kids that were just a few hours old. So, I hope I can time my visit with
when they are born next spring. The goats are all over me when I finally get
the door open. They clatter out and start feeding right out of the wagon. I move
them out of the way and lift a flake at a time out of the wagon and drop it
into their wall feeder. One on top of the other’s edge. They all crowd back in
to start eating the fresh hay from the feeder. Their bedding is fallen hay
mostly as they refuse to eat hay that has fallen onto the ground, so it just
piles up until the shed gets its regular clear out. The goats are growing so
fast and can be quite a handful to move one way or the other now that they are
so big with fat bellies. I check their water bucket and baking soda trough and
then pull the wagon back out and rest it by the pen. Next is the Rita flock
that is quite loud by this point, knowing it is time to get up and everyone is
awake now. I uncurl the fencing to gain access to the back door of the bus. Looking
up, I see them pressed up against the glass of the door – hilarious. I turn the
handle and give it a heaving swing as it is a heavy door and quite wide. They
come tumbling down the ramp, one after the other, some flutter above the rest
to get down quicker. I check their waterers and then get back out of the pen
and head to the front of the bus to get in. The chicken ramp down the back is
not for humans, so I must go through the side door of the bus to access it. I check
the nests for eggs. There are usually only a few early in the morning as the
girls have not ramped up production just yet. Then I fill the feeder for them
and they motor back on up the ramp to start eating, making quite a racket in
the meantime. Picture MINE MINE MINE from the movie Finding Nemo when the seagulls
are claiming their food.
I close back the doors again and head to the Serama coop. This is
attached to their trailer as it is a storage box that now has a built-in
chicken coop for the smallest chickens in the world. The Serama is a miniature
chicken. She has one rooster and three hens that are nearly full grown. They
are pretty good with being handled and no longer scream and protest if plucked
out of the coop for a snuggle. The rooster is Caramel, Mel for short, and the
girls are Butterscotch, Oreo and I can’t remember the fourth hen’s name. I have
to clean out their water as they always kick shavings into it and make a fine
mess. The same goes for their feeder. We do not fill either up anymore as it
wastes both since we have to clean them out several times a day.
Then I close the door to the trailer after making sure whomever needed
in or out was finished. Back to my own RV to begin my morning with Nash.
Mid-morning I head up to check on everyone. I collect all the eggs from
the Ritas, and everyone gets treats from Grandma. Goats get cheerios this time,
and the chickens all get scratch, which they just love. They know where it is
stored too and so as I head to the can to get it, I hear the pitter patter of dozens
of chicken feet and 4 goats following my every move, up and down the pen. So
funny and creepy at the same time having the attention of all of them at once.
Sometimes I will let out a cluckity cluck of some sort and they all fall
immediately silent for a moment, then start right back up again with their own
cluckfest. Then I take the eggs back to my RV and start cleaning and weighing
them for the farm stand. Once that is done, I pack them into the cooler and get
Kane on his leash and walk to the farm stand with the fresh eggs, collect any
egg cartons left for my daughter, collect the cash out of the money box and
then head back through the woods with Kane and take him home. Then it was
grandma time which I spent painting rocks most of the time.
Mid-afternoon I am making the rounds again, check on cats, dog, goats,
and chickens. Everyone gets treats and affection again. One last check for eggs
to collect them for tomorrow’s farm stand sales. I take the goats out on leads
and take them around the property. I pick up the Seramas and cuddle each one
and put some fresh treats in there for them. They love scratch too, but it must
be finely ground as they are so tiny.
Later in the afternoon, more visits and checking on food and water etc.
Bedtime comes about 7pm or earlier, now that the nights are longer. I make my
way down to the tent for more hay and take off just one flake for bedtime, and
then stop at the purple coop to secure things. Move the feeders back inside,
and then go in to count the chickens and move them out of the next boxes to the
roosts. Some are still young and learning while others are stubborn and like to
sleep in the nests, but they poop them up all night which can ruin the eggs. So,
I lift them out of the nesting boxes, or from above them where they are
perched, and put them all on the roosting bars. It is quite surreal to be in
the coop when they are perched on the roost. They cannot see in the dark and
just stay quite still and I can pet them if I wanted or even pick them up. I
like to touch each one as I count them. The roosters are SO BIG when they are
on the roost next to the hens, and it is like touching sleeping giants. In
daylight, most of these chickens and roosters would not let you near them at
all. At night in the coop – I can pick up the biggest rooster and hold him, no
protest. This is when my daughter treats any medical conditions, they have like
scaly feet that needs mineral oil on it nightly. There is no way in the world
you could get his feet rubbed with oil during the day. He would shred you if
you could even catch him.
Off to the goat pen then with the nighttime snacking hay. They all
follow the hay into the goat shed and I shut the door, placing a big stump in front
of the door as the girls like to bang around in there and we don’t want the
door open at night.
From there to the Seramas to turn off their light and check food and
water. They settle easily and I head to the Ritas to see if they are all in
yet. They are the lollygaggers who like to wait around until completely dark
before going to bed. Once they are all in, I sneak in through the wire fencing and
shut the door, then head into the bus through the side door to move everyone
around and do the count. I shuffle some hens out of nesting boxes here as well,
and some are perched on top of the nesting boxes. I lift each of them and place
them on the roost. There are two long perches and they are full when everyone
has made it up. Then I do the count, first one row, then the next until I hit
52. Again, the roosters look huge up this close, but I can touch them, pet
them, lift them up, whatever as long as it is dark out. I have my headlamp on
red light which doesn’t disturb any of the animals.
Then a last check on the cats and dog before calling it a night and
heading back to my own RV and settling in to paint rocks with Nash as my only
company. I loved every minute of it!
Rtas coming down the ramp |
Egg balancing |
the bottom nest is popular |
Agnes |
Bringing home a few egg cartons |
heavy dew and frost |
many of the flock and herd |
Agnes vs McGee |
Purple Palace flock |
more of the flock
clothes munching goat |
out on the lead
Munching maple leaves
Caramel aka Mel |
Moonlight on the farm |
Free ranging freeloaders |
My shadow |
Ritas feeding |
Nash settled right in |