I was getting ready for a huge road trip to California.
Cleaning out the RV so I could make room for the 3 other ladies that would be
sharing the space with me. This was no small task. I had to pack up so much
stuff and drag it all into my friend’s bedroom (she was coming on the road trip
with me). I also had to make sure we were clean to cross the border - they check for everything if they decide to inspect, so certain foods, crumbs, no garbage, herbs, etc.
I had training for several days for my fairly new position
with the provincial government. I had been doing the job all summer, but we
finally came together as a new team in September.
I went to a Permanency Forum in Richmond, BC. The forum was
pretty good, but my first night there, I was in my RV parked behind the hotel
where they had told me to park, and I had planned on sleeping in my room, but
then decided to stay down with Nash that night. Good chance I did. Some fucking
asshole broke into the RV while I was still in it. Yup, took a piece of rebar
and smashed my front driver’s side window and grabbed my work bag from the
front seat. It looks a bit like a purse, so I’m sure that’s what the asshole
thought. Instead he got my gov issued laptop and my portable office stuff. He
also took my feeling of security. I keep hearing that smashing crash sound
which also reminded me of the night my house blew up and burned to the ground.
Then to add insult to injury, I was parked at the front of the hotel after
that, and some stupid taxi driver parked right behind me facing away from my
RV. I had been rather upset and emotional since the breakin and finally decided
to call it quits and head back to Victoria. I did not see said jerk taxi driver
parked behind me as he parked just after I got into the RV, and he was in my
blind spot. Asshole. I rammed right into him and because I thought I was on the
curb and it was giving me the resistance, I slammed into him a few times,
damaging his bumper. He came racing around, hollering at me so I stopped. I was
less than impressed and gave him a piece of my crazy mind when he refused to
move his stupid car out of the way so I could finally leave the ugliness of
Richmond behind and make the next ferry. So I had a meltdown right there in
front of the hotel. I gave him my contact info but he wanted to call the police
– for a fender bender of all things…I told him to move his stupid car or I was
going to RUN IT OVER. This was repeated several times…finally the manager came
out and I explained to him that I had already given the asshole my info and he
was refusing to move his car. Asshole finally moved his car from the NO PARKING
zone behind my RV and I peeled the fuck out of there and just made the ferry. I
won’t be going to Richmond again if I can help it.
The break-in was very stressful and created so many issues –
because I had lost a government computer with very sensitive information on it,
I had to go through a privacy breach investigation, and this was two days
before I was to leave the country on my road trip. So a dozen or more
phonecalls and emails explaining what happened. I was cleared because I had
followed procedures for passwords and there were no files in the bag. The other
big issue was the damn window – I could not possibly consider driving through
the US with plastic taped over my window so I had to quickly organize to get a
new window – managed to find the last one in the province to fit my old girl,
AND to get it in before I left for America. It threw my prep schedule off by
having to waste 6 hours at the shop when I should have been out gathering what
I needed and packing up the RV.
This was Desert Trip month, which I’ll cover in a separate
post or this one would go on forever. Also in October though, I began working
from the provincial office in Victoria and my road trips for work were winding
down as we shifted who we serviced. I also had carpal tunnel surgery on my
right hand, which I am still recovering from. The pain afterwards was
absolutely excruciating and I had to get some Oxy from my surgeon who had
discharged me without any meds…so back to the hospital I went. The healing was
painful and annoying as hell. I still do not have full function back. I have
the range of movement but almost no strength to squeeze or grip. I’m hoping
that comes back. Until then, I am not even considering getting my left hand
November was when I finally gave up on curbside parking and
headed to the West Bay Marina and RV Park in Esquimalt. I had been parked for a
couple of weeks while my hand recovered as I could not drive it. Parking
Enforcement asshole would seriously wait until 10:00pm on the dot and then slip
a ticket under my windshield wiper – WHILE I WAS SITTING IN THE DAMN RV! Jerk.
So I gave up and called the Marina and they had room for me. I’m going to stay
there until the end of February, if not longer.
December brought us a few snowy days, but it didn’t last, as
this is Victoria and it rarely snows and never stays. I was thankful for power
so I could run the furnace and a cube heater to keep the chill out of the RV.
It’s also my birthday month and I’m turning 50 – the big 5-0. Holy shit where
did the time go??
I’ve been having issues with the Blogger app, so normally I
would blog on my iPads and use my wireless keyboard. For some reason, the app
is being an asshole, so each time I tried to blog, it crashed the program. I
can use my laptop, but that means I couldn’t watch my downloaded shows while I
write. Lame excuse I know, but it just frustrated me too much to even consider
writing after that. I also had limited use of my right hand, so typing was a
challenge enough as it was and I was mousing with my left hand.
So with Christmas around the corner, I’m pretty much all
ready. I sent all my parcels out and have just my secret santa left to buy for.
So that’s it – nothing too exciting except for the Desert
Trip. Let’s see what 2017 brings for us all.
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