Friday, November 6, 2015

Fall in the RV

I have finally returned to the workforce, albeit in a very different capacity than in recent years. I've been applying for mostly non-social work jobs, and part-time at that. I'm not ready to return to full-time social work and I'm not sure at this point if or when I will return. It wasn't easy as I had to totally refocus my cv and turn it into a short resume. I had been required in Australia to provide a detailed cv listing certificates, training, workshops, facilitation, volunteer, yada yada. It added up toabout 9 pages which is way too long for a non-social work job. It's probably what screened me out of everything I've applied to up until now. I was able to condense and reorganize it down to two pages plus references. And about 2 hours after I sent it out, I had a call for a job, and was hired over the phone. I started work about 2 hours after that! Keeping in mind that I was really looking for something simple with very small learning curve and no one's life was at stake. As of last night I began work for the Heart and Stroke Foundation as a recruiter of volunteer canvassers for the February campaign. It's only for a couple of months but that was all I was really looking to commit to until I see how things go. I haven't been working since my birthday last year. Things have been rough and I didn't know if/when I could return to work at all. Turns out this job was exactly what I needed to transition myself back into the workforce, part time at least. I'll be working 4 hours per day, 5 days per week for $13.50/hr. I sit on my butt and cold call people from 4:30pm-8:30pm S-T with Friday and Saturdays off - awesome! The new boss is totally cool and positive and easy to work with. The office is just a short bus ride away. I may even take my bike on sunny days. It is a far cry from being a child protection social worker making more like $40/hr+ but I am certain I will be happier and will be able to leave the job at the office. There is very little by way of paperwork, and no computer use at all. Simply tally sheets and phone lists. It's like being on a work vacation after so many years killing forests for the government. Ahhhhh...that is the smell of the forest thanking me. 

Autumn has arrived in Victoria and November rains launch us towards the grey skies of winter. I remember it well. Rains nearly every day, but not all day and sunny at least 3 times a week. I can handle that. The temps have fallen below 10C at night, so things are getting a bit chillier in the RV. I need to work out some ways to insulate things against the damp ocean airs this winter. While it may not snow more than once all year, sitting around in single digits seaside (say that five times fast) can get a bit chilly. My wardrobe has been getting an overhaul since arriving back in Canada, as I prepare for the very different climate of home. I didn't own much warm weather clothing, having shed that either before I went to Australia, or while I was there. I returned to Canada without a warm jacket, one pair of boots, and one pair of sneakers. I had no long sleeved tops, no warm socks, no pyjamas (having slept in boxers and a tank top for years) and no warm sweaters. Thin cardigans were quite popular and useful in Australia but aren't much help to me here in the coastal chill of the night. Many of my friends smoke, sometimes only when they drink, so we tend to spend a lot of time outside on covered verandahs. There are plenty in this city, so many older homes, tons of character and back then everyone had a big front covered verandah, not a backyard deck. And because it doesn't snow here, many homes have regular furniture outside on them, and we get quite comfy. I do miss having my own outdoor space here in the RV, but that's only when I'm camping curbside. When I'm camping in the bush, I can just throw my camp chair out and voila..

Nash is growing like a bloody weed. He is so gorgeous too, just fuzzy thick fur and loves to be cuddled. So nice. He has also been naughty at times, but usual kitten naughtiness, like eating plants, knocking shit off the table, chewing on things, etc. He is such a gannet though when it comes to mooching off me while I eat, no matter what I'm eating. Popcorn, chips, muffin, pizza, toast, whatever, he wants it and is often rather persistent so requires a bit of disciplining. 

I've been housesitting this past week or so, with a few days left to go. It's for a friend who lives a few blocks from where I usually park. She has a hot tub, and I can park in front of her house, plugged in. Awesome. I really needed a break from all the packing up, moving around for spaces, and tryng to sort out power issues. The solar panels are working well enough but with rainy days, it doesn't collect as much, and it rains often for days at a time. The hot tub is AMAZING and feels so damn good when I slip in. She's happy for me to have friends over too as she knows them all as well, so I've had a couple of friends over earlier this week and two coming tonight for some drinks and hot tub. With the weather cooling down, the hot tub feels sooo nice. I have a couple of kitties to look after as well, but they're easy as they go out most of the day and come in at night. One of them brought in a dead bird a few days ago and left a hell of a mess of feathers and blood...gross. So I had to clean that up. I'm not sure where the kill occurred, possibly in the house...

Halloween was fun enough as I joined my friends as they took their children around. Seems to be the thing to do here - load up the stroller with a few drinks and take the kids out. Groups of parents, friends, relatives all over Fernwood. We ended the night at the Fernwood Community Centre where they had a party and bonfire. I had a couple of parties I could have gone to but ended up just going home after that. Wasn't in the mood really. I had already been out the night before and babysat for my friends, and two nights before that I went to Evil Acres with my friends and went through a blackout maze and a haunted house - both were pretty cool I have to say. I had more fun than thrill, particularly when I got ahead of my friends and told one of the ghouls to call out my friend's name - she freaked! It was 

So I think I might color for the afternoon, since I have managed to secure an income, small and short time as it is, it does take the pressure off. Coloring is great therapy!

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