- You remember just how small your space is when the litter box is in use and Nash drops a fresh one. Sometimes I have to leave the RV...or light incense. I had thought about putting the litterbox in the tub, in the bathroom, but I use the shower as my closet, so I don't want my clothes to stink like litter box.
- Nash is stealthy to the max. I can be watching him out of the corner of my eye at one end of the RV and the next thing I know, he is beside me, playing with my hair. This kinda freaks me out sometimes. Like how did he travel that far and I didn't see it? Heh heh.
- He loves to play in water. Like a cat. Like the asshole nature of a cat. He tips his waterbowl so often he has to be supervised with his water which has become annoying as hell. So I need a better waterbowl, or maybe a gerbil water bottle...The little darling also enjoys shoving his head and paws down into my water glass. I usually use a closed mug for my water but left it in Karma the other day. And so over went the water glass last night, full, right onto the table and bench seat. He had water in his bowl, but it was not nearly as exciting as tipping my glass over.
- cuddling a kitten really is therapeutic. I have long since believed this and I'm even more certain with Nash. I can be feeling anxious or upset about something and just holding him helps me relax. It sure helps that Nash loves to cuddle. I don't think I could take being rejected by my cat right now. Like Henry. Henry was a long haired ginger I had for a year in Yellowknife. He had to go. He was an asshole most of the time and refused to let anyone hold him and did not sleep near or on you ever. He destroyed stuffl all the time, and kept me up all night. Jerk.
- He can stand up for himself. When I brought him into my friend's screen porch aka the catio, her adult cats were very interested but Nash felt very threatened so up went the fur on his back and tail. He growled and backed up from them. I finally moved one of the most intrusive adult kitties out and put Nash on top of the cat tree and he seemed to settle a bit then. I don't think I will do that again until he is a bit older.
- He LOVES treats and has already learned how to sit and look cute while waiting for them to be handed out. If he sees me getting anything out of the same cupboard his treats are in, he will go and sit by the scratching post where I first began giving them to him to train him to it. If I ignore him, he will then come next to me and demand them. I make him work for them though, and put them all over the place for him to sniff out and find. He knows the common places to look but has quite a nose for there being one left somewhere.
- He really enjoys it when I park somewhere he can see the birds. We went to Clover Point (ocean) yesterday for the afternoon and he loved watching the seagulls, crows and other sea birds. I napped listening to the ocean while he watched.
- Nash seems to enjoy sleeping under his tent as much as in his tent, and sometimes on top of his tent. Hilarious. He has nearly wrecked it though as he is very rough and so I must attempt to repair it this morning. I want to make some out of t-shirts and coat hangers though so will source some steel coathangers, perhaps from a dry cleaner.
- He loves children. When my friend's two year old comes out to see him, he winds right up and plays and plays with the little guy. They just seem to connect on a level of their own. So cute to watch!
- He loves beer and cider and wine. Okay, he is a boozer. When I had some friends over on the weekend he kept trying to drink their stuff. I will have to watch that one...
- I still have nightmares about nearly losing him in the black water tank. When I first adopted him, I was in the bathroom and he followed me in, which I don't mind but when I stood up to flush, he jumped into the toilet at the same time and I just happened to grab him in time, pissy front feet and all. If I hadn't, he would have surely gone down into the tank and died in a vile pool of filth. I would have laid down right on the road and died with him if that happened, I swear. So new policy - no kitties in the toilet until he is too big to fit down there. Also, no flushing until the lid is down and the bowl is kitten free...
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