Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Smitten with the Kitten

Well, in a few short weeks Nash has managed to crawl up into my heart and camp out. He is just such a cute and cuddly kitten, which is just what I needed about now. He loves to get up with me, follow me around, sit on me, beside me., sleep with me, purr and rub against me, the whole nine yards. We have such fun just playing and cuddling up on the sofa, watching Breaking Bad, or a favorite movie. 

Well, that was until my sound card finally quit on me last night. It all began a few months ago when I was still in Australia. I had my desk and laptop below the air conditioner in my living room, so it became quite dusty, and dirt stuck to the keys. I thought I would give them a good clean and used an ajax wipe. Well, it got the keys clean, but in the process the excess cleaner leached into my laptop and most of the keys stopped working and the sound began to fail. At first I thought it was the speakers so hooked up my Bluetooth speaker but it became clear it was the sound card. no more Breaking Bad or anything else on my laptop. I do have my iPads (mini and regular) and my iPhone, but it's not the same, as it'ssmaller and the mini does not have a stand yet. In any event, I did purchase an LED 24" television (LG) and just need to get my solar power installed when I get back to Victoria. In the meantime, I can use it if I am plugged in. I'm heading to Drumheller to camp at a campground so will be plugged in and will likely set my tv up. It's pretty simple as I just store it put together and just stand it up on it's shelf and plug it in. I can then plug in my iANYTHING and watch my shows and movies on the tv screen, or surf the net with the big screen. I still have to sort out the best plan for mobile internet. I'm def overpaying for what I have but needed to get everything else sorted to see just what was out there, what I needed, what I could afford, and what I would require to get that. 

Right now Nash is sleeping on a quilt on top of the blue box my father made. It sits on the loft bed next to the window and he can look out upon the street. He also spends a lot of time in the cab of the RV, sometimes just chilling on the steering wheel, or laying across the dash under the glass, catching the rays. I'm looking forward to camping in the woods soon so we can both enjoy all the windows. I keep most of the curtains closed when I'm curbside in the city, but when I'm out in the country, I'll open them all up and take in the greenery! 

I've managed to plunder through all the chores of cleaning up the RV and getting ready to depart in the morning. I did the laundry, dishes, swept and washed the floors, reorganized some of the cabinets to make things I need more often more accessible. I still have tons of empty space in here, believe it or not. I'm hoping to keep it that way, keep things minimal as much as possible. I will need some room for stock of handmade items and bookkeeping as I begin to work from home in whatever capacity I'm able to do so. 
I've enjoyed my time in Edmonton but am more than ready to start heading south again. The temps have dropped to 0C at night and snow is imminent as summer has departed, leaving fall to let things go. After Drumheller, I'll be heading across the Rockies again, hopefully with no snow. but will deal with it as best I can. I can camp in a Walmart parking lot for free while waiting for any weather to clear, hanging out cozy in my camper. I have a propane furnace that works quite well and heats things up quickly. I'll spend a night or two with an old friend in Enderby, and then onto Kelowna for a couple of days or more before heading back to Victoria for the rest of the year. I may move about on Vancouver Island but I'm not planning on leaving the island again until after Christmas or later, only to head SOUTH. It has been good just to hang out with my daughter, though she has been rather troubled with leaving me to my own devices during the day while she was at work. I was quite happy to hang out in the RV with the kitten, watching shows, surfing the net, napping the rainy cold days away. She has always struggled with being restless, and I can spend hours doing just about nothing, or filling my time with my hobbies, or reading a book, or whatever. I make a lot of phonecalls as I have free anytime minutes in Canada so why not. My daughter thinks she should be entertaining me while I visit, but I am trying to get her to see it from a different perspective. Think of it more as - mom lives in Edmonton right now and I'll hang out with her for a few hours every day or more and when you need alone time or to do something with others, no problem. I will hang out at home, in my own home with Nash. How can I resist that face? 

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