So I have been back in the city for three weeks now with plenty of changes in those three weeks. I began by parking on the street below my friend’s house for the first two weeks. I had my cord draped over the sidewalk, taped down with duct tape so no one tripped over it. Eventually someone did complain but it was right about the same time I was able to move into the driveway of my friend’s place. She had to sell her old RV first before I could fit in the driveway. I’ve been in the driveway for a week now, and while there is a slight slant to the top of the driveway, it is still level enough to manage. Sure my pencils roll off the table, but otherwise, no real issues. It did take a bit to get oriented to the slant as I can see the houses on either side of me and the slant is noticeable next to the straight lines of the houses, however after a few days, my brain reset itself and seems to be fine with it. It is real nice being off the street again, away from the sidewalk. I was in a driveway previous to this but my bunk at the back was right at the sidewalk edge so I heard everyone strolling by my window, inches away.
So what has changed? It seems some pandemic changes are national while others seem to be more regional. People are trying all kinds of ways to manage business amidst a pandemic. Here is what I have experienced:
- social distancing lanes. The city has blocked off an extra 6 feet next to the sidewalks in certain parts of the city to allow for higher congested areas to social distance when the sidewalk is too busy. They are painted on the pavement, there are ropes strung to protect the space from cars parking there, there are signs posted and a “pedestrian only” sign painted on the beginning of each space. The one I have seen is along Fifth Street by the plaza where Fairways Market and the liquor store are.
- social distancing markings all over the stores. I have seen signs telling you where to stand for a lineup at the checkouts, where to stand when someone else is looking at the same products as you., which direction to move through the aisles, and when to load your gtoceries onto the converter belt. At Fairways, they have posted that we are not to put anything on the conveyor belt until the cashier cleans it off, and directs you to proceed. There is a plexiglass barrier between me and the cashier, with direction to stay behind the plexiglass until you are ready to pay. Paper bags and plastic bags are available, but you are not permitted to use your own bags within the store. They are letting people in with their own carts, which is good because I take my cart when I go to pick up heavy items such as milk. All staff there are wearing masks but this is not always the case at other grocery stores.
- I went in my first clothing store since the pandemic. It was Under the Belt in the Bay Centre. Very empty, more employees than customers. They still hover, but at a ten foot distance instead of popping up beside you every few minutes. I also went for a massage at Faye’s Spa, one of my regular spots as I like the Thai massage that they offer, and Faye is a lovely person. They are only taking one customer at a time for now and she is looking to bring back just one other therapist, and then they can treat two at a time in two different spaces in the spa.
- Lots of restaurants are still operating a take-out menu. Often the menu is a reduced version, with just the favourites offered. Last night my friend and I went for take-out from the Fernwood Inn. You order online, pay by credit card and then go pick it up at your scheduled time. They didn’t put any cutlery in, so eating our salads was a little challenging. We took our take-out and went to the beach to park and chow down while catching up. After supper we went for dessert at Cold Comfort, a local ice cream shoppe that is offering take-out treats through a side window. My ice cream sandwich was divine! We ate them while driving around downtown to see how many of the homeless people were still camped out on Pandora. Turns out quite a few are still calling the boulevard on Pandora Avenue home. Some looked very established.
- my beloved rock hunts are back on again so my motivation for painting rocks has once again been ignited. I am in a new neighbourhood for rock hiding so have explored the streets around me to find the best places to hide rocks. I have walked in this neighbourhood for years, but not since I joined the rock hunt last year. Most of my rocks get picked up within 24 hours, sometimes within minutes as I see someone find one now and again. We warn everyone to make sure to wash the rocks and their hand once they get home.
- health appointments - I am digging the online/virtual health appointments. So far I have seen a GP several times, my endocrinologist, my occupational therapist, my dentist, and my psychologist all from the comfort of my own home. Need a prescription renewed? See the doc online and he will send the prescription to the pharmacy. I simply have to go and pick it up. I do have to actually go to the dentist office this week though for the tooth extraction - that has not changed. But what has it they are not permitted to administer any sedation of any sort to me because if there is an issue with my breathing, they may have to use a respirator that should otherwise be reserved for Covid-19 patients. So I am going in cold - yes they can numb my gums and such, but the whole entire process really stresses me out, so it might get dicey. I am a biter and I shake like a leaf in the chair whilst crying.
- social distancing while out walking - well, for the most part, people will give each other a wide berth when meeting on the sidewalk. People step into driveways, or walk into the street or the boulevard in order to provide a good 6 feet or more between us. I try to stick to the side streets when I walk so there is much less traffic and if I have to skirt around a car using the street, it is not a big deal. Sometimes though, people will simply brush right by you and ignore any social distancing guidelines.
- While the Bay Centre mall opened up, not many stores opened up right away. When I went to my spa, they were the only business open on that side of the hall on that floor. The rest remained closed.
- we are in for a quiet summer here without the tourists. As long as the border remains closed and the cruise ships are cancelled for the year we will have Victoria to ourselves here, which is the best time to get out and explore it in my mind. So I hope to get out and walk all over the downtown core this summer as restrictions for locals ease up. I still wear my face mask but have gotten used to that. The inner harbour is such a nice place to be, but when swarmed with cruise ship tourists, it gets crowded and annoying.
- air traffic has all but ceased - I saw a plane yesterday and it was the first one I have seen in quite some time. The skies have been so very quiet with most air travel ceased. I don’t miss it one bit. Makes for a quieter day.
- the ferries to and from the mainland are still on restrictions. They have less sailings and are allowing much reduced numbers on the ferries that are still running. The Salt Spring ferries are still running their regular schedule but also with reduced numbers. I am heading back there in a couple weeks to spend my daughter’s birthday with her on the farm. Can’t wait to see the grandkids (animals).
- the crosswalks, some of them, have signs on the buttons saying they will operate automatically without having to push them. Only some of them though which is weird but perhaps the others could not be converted? Or was it just for higher traffic areas?
- job hunting continues. I had an interview some weeks ago, didn’t get the job. Applied for two more jobs today and hope they will produce some result. My job interview was meant to be a video one but they sent me a link saying it was to be on Skype, however it was on Skype for Business, a program I can’t download as I am not a business. So I got rather frazzled but pushed on with the interview over the phone. I really hate phone interviews. No visual contact with the interviewers so I have no idea if I am on the right track or if they are even listening. No in person interviews though with social distancing.
So there you have it. The current pandemic conditions in Victoria, BC. Life goes on.