What I am sure of is I’m going to drive up north to spend time with my sister and her husband, kids, in laws, etc. It’s been too long and I need to get to know my nephews more as they spring through their adolescence. They are all big strapping teenage boys now! After my sister’s I want to drive to see my daughter for at least a month and I may look for work for awhile there. I have no desire to be there for any winter months though, so I’ll be back in BC before long to enjoy the milder weather.
I look forward to the new adventure and have some plans for how I will spend the time. I want to spend more time writing, and want to take a couple of writing classes to sharpen things up. I thought I might look at technical writing or editing to pay for the time to write my creative non-fiction. I have a book that I started writing years ago and then put it down, with it 3/4 of the way finished. I have an idea for a new one too, about my time as a social worker and what went well, what didn’t, stories from the road, what could have helped both workers and families if only it was possible or available, that kind of thing. Something another social worker might like to read or something folks who work with or know social workers might like to read. I want to keep it as light as possible when possible, as I don’t want to traumatized anyone else! I will focus on vicarious trauma and how it has impacted me and the lives of other social workers I’ve met along the way.
So that’s it.- my life is taking a new direction and I am about to turn the page. Let’s go, Nash!