Sounds like a country song, but in actual fact, Nash is the resident kitty, and Memphis is a dog I happen to be dog sitting for a week. Neither Nash nor Memphis had any exposure to the other (dogs or cats). From day one, they hit it off. No hissing, growling, or running away. So I have taken to taking Nash out on his leash around the house where I am house sitting as the dog gives him his space and doesn't seem to upset the cat at all, and Nash even rubs up against the dog. Now walking a cat is not at all like walking a dog. There is no real destination in mind, and it isn't about what ground gets covered, or where the best place to pee/poop is. It is simply about holding the leash while the cat sniffs it all out. So my guard was down as he was having a good sniff. And he bolted...ripping the retractable leash right out of my hand. What followed was a complete circus act I'm sure...

Nash ran off, I didn't see where so went running, calling his name everywhere, racing around the yard and the house, calling out. I asked Memphis to help find the cat, and he got the scent, but had no idea what I was asking as he took me into the back yard where we had been, not where the cat was. Around and around I am running, calling out for the cat, cursing it at the same time. Then I hear a kerfuffle in the bushes close to where I lost him and it was Nash! The dog realized this and barked at him, sending Nash under the RV, clattering the leash the whole way. How it didn't get caught in the bushes, I do not know. It would have helped...so then Nash is under the RV, but has jumped up onto something under there, so all I can see is the damn retractable leash case, unlocked so with every move, it keeps letting out the lead. All I could think of is that goddamn cat getting tangled up in the mechanical bits underneath, exhaust system, or who the hell knows. I couldn't reach him so went in search of something to at least snag the leash with. Came back with a hoe. Seemed less scary than a rake. Well that didn't help matters, as I could not snag the leash and the metal clanging just freaked him out. So he jumped down from where he was and moved someplace else, still under the RV, up onto something.

Hmm, what to do next. Cat is howling and dog is anxious to see the cat, not helping matters much as he pants heavily while he paces next to the RV. So I decide to go put the dog on the leash, but that still isn't far enough for Nash to jump down. Okay, put dog in the house. Wait, the door is locked, go grab the keys from the RV. Damn I'm hot, change while I'm in there out of my work clothes that are suffocating me, and go to lock the dog in the house while I rescue the cat. Dog won't come. I have to go and drag him towards the steps as he wanted to be there to see the cat I'm sure. I don't care, you have to go into the house. Get the dog in the house, go back to rescuing cat. Laid a blanket down on the ground, then realized if the cat is trapped by his leash, I'll need something to cut it. WTF? Back into the RV, digging for a pair of cutting pliers, then back under the RV. Can't reach the cat, dosen't seem to be tangled up yet. I crawl back out from under the RV - can't get close enough to grab him anyhow as the RV is too low. NOW WHAT?

Next thing I know, Nash has scrabbled out from under the RV and ran into the bushes again. Dammit. So off I ran, and out he ran again down into the yard, then around the house, then around the RV again, into the bushes and around again we went before the leash finally got hooked up in one of the railings. I was beat out and panting hard in this smokey air (forest fire smoke from the mainland) so I threw the cat in the RV and went and let the dog out - no walk for anyone tonight - there was enough running around the yard! Damn I'm tired...